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How to handle running out of direct memory when downloading large files with Vert.x & Netty?

I have a Vert.x web service that will occasionally download large ZIP files from AWS S3. After downloading, the archive is unzipped and individual files are re-uploaded to AWS S3. The web service is hosted as a t2.large (8GB memory) instance in AWS Elastic Beanstalk. The Java application is currently configured with between 2-4GB of heap space, and the ZIP files will be at most 10GB in size (but most will be closer to 2-4GB at most).

When the application tries to download ZIP files >2GB in size, either the initial download of the ZIP file or the re-upload of individual files always fails with a stack trace similar to the following:

Caused by: io.netty.util.internal.OutOfDirectMemoryError: failed to allocate 16777216 byte(s) of direct memory (used: 1895825439, max: 1908932608)

After doing some research, it appears that Vert.x uses Netty to speed up Network I/O, which in turn utilizes direct memory to improve download performance. It appears that the direct memory isn't being freed sufficiently quickly, which leads to out-of-memory exceptions like the above.

The simplest solution would just be to increase the instance size to 16GB t2.xlarge and allocate more direct memory at runtime (eg. -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize ), but I'd like to explore other solutions first. Is there a way to programmatically force Netty to free direct memory after it's no longer in use? Is there additional Vert.x configuration I can add that might alleviate this problem?

Please check this


we have identified an issue within the SDK where it could cause excessive buffer usage and eventually OOM when using s3 async client to download a large object to a file. The fix #1335 is available in 2.7.4. Could you try with the latest version? Feel free to re-open if you continue to see the issue. " – AWS PS 21 hours ago Delete

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