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SFML texture usage issue

I want to make a tilemap but when I run this code, the tiles becomes white, the texture has a problem. I know it that from the sf::Texture reference here says that the texture must exist in order to that the sprite can use it. But I dont know how to make it possible.
Here's the code:

class Tile
sf::Sprite sprite;
sf::Texture tex;

     Tile(int x, int y, sf::Texture tex)
this->tex = tex;
this->sprite.setPosition(x, y);

    void render(sf::RenderWindow* target)

class Tilemap
Tile tiles[36][64];
sf::Texture tex[4];


int x = -WIDTH+WIDTH/2;
int y = -HEIGTH/2;
for (int i = 0; i < 36; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < 64; j++)
        this->tiles[i][j] = Tile(x, y, this->tex[0]);
        x += 60;
    y += 60;
    x = -WIDTH + WIDTH / 2;


render(sf::RenderWindow* target, sf::Vector2f pos)
for (int i = 0; i < 34; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < 64; j++)
 Tilemap map;
 map = Tilemap();

Thank you in advance for any answers :)

I have already solved it by myself. Every tile has one sf::Texture tex and every time I need to change it I just load it again from different file.

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