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How to backup MYSQL database with kubernetes

I successfully, recreated Single-Instance Stateful Application tutorial. Naturally, I'd like to create a periodic backup of all databases. I found this article that explains how to make a backup. Unfortunately, it does not work for me. The command that I am running looks like this

$  kubectl exec -n <namespace> <pod> -- mysqldump -u root -p$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD --all-databases > /var/lib/mysql/backup/alldbs.sql

I found error(s). Backup was not working for two reasons.

1st, incorrect semantic . Instead of using kubectl exec -n <namespace> <pod> mysqldump -u root -p$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD --all-databases > dump.sql as article mentions. I had to use a syntax described in mysql dockerhub documentation that looks like this kubectl exec -n <namespace> <pod> -- sh -c 'exec mysqldump --all-databases -uroot -p"$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD"' > dump.sql

2nd, incorrect path assumption . I assumed that dump.sql was created on the pod/container filesystem so, I expected to see backup file inside container. Instead backup file was created relative to your host machine filesystem not pod/container.

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