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Proper style to implement control flow in python loop

I am not sure if the title of this question is correct or even the right question to ask (sorry if this is a duplicate).

What is the best (most pythonic) way to manage control flow in a loop in python, I specifically want to skip over items in a filter list. Here are my two approaches:

Idea 1:

for i in items:
    if i in filterList:

    ... Code for working with i

Idea 2:

for i in items:
    if i not in filterList:
        ... Code for working with i

Is one of these two styles more pythonic or readable than the other?

Edit 1: One thing to note is that items will potentially have duplicates, updated code to reflect this.

You could use list comprehension:

items = ...
filterList = ...

filtered_items = (i for i in items if i not in filterList)

for i in filtered_items:
   do the thing

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