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How to check if element name contains the given string

In the code below I`m checking if these 2 elements exist.

const var1 = form.elements[elemName1] ||


But what I need is to check if element's name contains a certain string. Like:

const var1 = form.elements[NameContains(givenString)] ||

I tried to find the needed syntax in google bud did not succeeded.

You can use an attribute contains selector ( *= ) with querySelector (to find the first) or querySelectorAll (to get a list of matches).

For instance:

const var1 = form.querySelector("[name*=foo]");

finds the first element in form whose name attribute contains the substring foo . Similarly there's ^= for "starts with" and $= for "ends with."

If you're checking for two different substrings, either use a selector group:

const var1 = form.querySelector("[name*=foo], [name*=bar]");

or two calls:

const var1 = form.querySelector("[name*=foo]") || form.querySelector("[name*=bar]");

The difference between those is that the selector group will find the first matching element in document order, whether it's a foo or bar element. The second will look for a foo element first, and only look for a bar element if no foo is found.

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