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How can I add a context menu option to a gameobject in the hierarchy to be at the bottom?

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;

public class PickupObjectsEditor : Editor
    [MenuItem("GameObject/Make Pickup Item", false, 10)]
    public static void CreateTextArea()
        GameObject go = new GameObject("Test");

    public override void OnInspectorGUI()

        PickupObjects pickupobjects = (PickupObjects)target;

        if (GUILayout.Button("Generate Pickup Objects"))

This part :

[MenuItem("GameObject/Make Pickup Item", false, 10)]
public static void CreateTextArea()
     GameObject go = new GameObject("Test");

Will add the "Make Pickup Item" at one place before the end at the bottom :


The priority is set to 10 but if I want to add it to the very bottom under the Camera - how do I know what priority it should be?

Over here

You need priority > 11

Line 280:

[MenuItem("GameObject/Camera", priority = 11)]
static void CreateCamera(MenuCommand menuCommand)
    var parent = menuCommand.context as GameObject;
    Place(ObjectFactory.CreateGameObject("Camera", typeof(Camera), typeof(AudioListener)), parent);

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