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How to write a JPA CriteriaBuilder for the query given?

SELECT * FROM Emp_Main WHERE status = 'QUIT' AND to_Char(effective_date,'YYYY')= '2018';

I have hard coded '2018' in this example. But in the real code it is a variable :year . Also I have Java EmpMain model like this :

public class EmpMain implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "EMP_MAIN_SEQ")
    @SequenceGenerator(sequenceName = "EMP_MAIN_S", allocationSize = 1, name = "EMP_MAIN_SEQ")
    private long empId;

    private Date effectiveDate;
    enter code here
    private String status;

        //Getters and Setters

Oh! I forgot to add my function I am trying to do....and here is the function I am playing with:

public List<EmpMain> getQuitEmployeesByYear(String inputYear)
  List<EmpMain> listOfEmployees = null;
  CriteriaBuilder builder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
  CriteriaQuery<EmpMain> query = builder.createQuery(EmpMain.class);

  Root<EmpMain> root = query.from(EmpMain.class);

  Predicate statusPredicate = builder.equal(root.get("status"), "QUIT");

  Expression<String> expression = builder.function(
                             "to_char", String.class, 
                             root.get("effectiveDate"), "YYYY",
                             builder.parameter(String.class, inDate));

  query.select(root).where(builder.and(statusPredicate, expression));

  listOfEmployees = query.setParameter("inDate", 

  return listOfEmployees;

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