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Extract a portion of string from a particular string in javascript

I have a string like this

var str = "WebApi served the request: /api/user/v1 in : 249ms with status : OK";

I need to extract /api/user/v1 from str. How do I do it in Javascript?

I have also tried using some regular expressions as shown below. This method works fine, but is there any better way to do it?

 var str = "WebApi served the request: /api/user/v1 in : 249ms with status : OK"; var patt1 = /\\/.*in/; //Extract until the word "in" var result1 = str.match(patt1); var patt2 = /[^\\s]+/; //Extract the 1st string until it reaches a space var result2 = result1[0].match(patt2); console.log(result2);

Match a slash, followed by non-space characters, until lookahead matches a space followed by in :

 var str = "WebApi served the request: /api/user/v1 in : 249ms with status : OK"; const match = str.match(/\\/\\S+(?= in\\b)/); console.log(match[0]);

To check that the string starts with WebApi served the request: , add that to the start of the pattern and use a capturing group around the /api part:

 var str = "WebApi served the request: /api/user/v1 in : 249ms with status : OK"; const match = str.match(/^WebApi served the request: (\\/\\S+) in\\b/); if (match) { console.log(match[1]); }

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