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OriginateAction Variables joining issue

I am trying to use C# AsterNET OriginateAction method to dial out calls with the Asterisk AMI. Calls are working fine But I am having issue on setting variables on this action. I set 2 variables as following:

oc.SetVariables( new Dictionary<string, string>(){ { "SIPADD", "10001"}, { "VQWAITER", "10002" }});

but when i try to get one of the variables "SIPADD" in dialplan. I get both vairables at once in joined form as "Local/10002|_VQWAITER=10001"


exten => 999,1,NoOp((Caller ID IS: ${CALLERID(num)}))
 same =>      n,Answer()
 same =>      n,NoOp("Callback Agent Address: "${SIPADD})
 same =>      n,Dial(${SIPADD})
 same =>      n,Hangup()

Follwoing is above CLI trace of above dialplan:


Can anyone please guide me whats the issue here? I want to get these variables separately an not joined like this.

For now as a work arround i am splitting the joined string i get by doing following setps in dialplan:

 same =>      n,NoOp("Callback Agent Address: "${SIPADD})
 same =>      n,Set(localSIPAdd=${CUT(SIPADD,|,1)})
 same =>      n,Set(waiter=${CUT(SIPADD,|,2)})
 same =>      n,NoOp("localSIP: "${localSIPAdd})
 same =>      n,NoOp("waiter: "${waiter})
 same =>      n,Set(CALLERID(num)=waiter)

CLI for above change:


Probably you are using Asterisk-Java library. As per its documentation there are two methods available for variables. SetVariable and SetVariables . Both variables accept different types for the input parameters, ie String and Map respectively.

I am not a Java developer, but I think updating your code like following may fix your issue.

HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();



This is a minor bug in AsterNET v1.3.0 when using Asterisk versions newer than v13. See AsterNET issue #220 for details.

Current workaround is to manually set the VAR_DELIMITER property on the connection after connecting to the Asterisk server.

managerConnection.VAR_DELIMITER = new char[] { ',' };

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