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Is it possible to remove the fd link in /proc/<pid>/fd?

I've been trying to setup an kernel module to later fake a GPS within a program, in order to simulate communication with gpsd which uses a fixed path. But right now I'm stuck due to gpsd checking if there's more than one link to the file in /proc//fd before starting reading/writing.

Is there a way to exclude the link from this directory but still be able to read/write to file from my gpsfake? Or bypass this fd tracking altogether from the module?

/proc/<pid>/ is a filesystem-like view on the process <pid> , exposed by the kernel.

As such, the only way to remove/add/change anything within this directory is by changing the process itself (in your case: make the process close the offending file-descriptor to have the corresponding symlink go away).

The other way is to patch the kernel, but you probably don't want to do this.

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