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Turn array into objects in javascript

I'm trying to sort a big collection of data in google sheets app script which doesn't support ES6! (I think)

The array looks something like this var data = [["Frank", "franck@gmail.com", 21],["Mark", "Mark@gmail.com", 23]]

I would love the idea to turn the array into objects where I can access every object by the name ex:


I tried the following

function Driver(name, email, age) {
    this.name= name;
    this.email= email;
    this.age = age;

and then

for(var i=0; i<data.length; i++){
  data[i][0]= new Driver (data[i][0],data[i][1],data[i][2])

But it is not working Can You help me with this?

If I understand your requirement

I would love the idea to turn the array into objects where I can access every object by the name

correctly, then the solution is as simple as this:

ES6 Version

 function Driver(name, email, age) { this.name= name; this.email= email; this.age = age; } const data = [["Frank","franksmail",2], ["name2", "mail2", 3], ["name3", "mail3", 4]] const mappedData = data //map the array of arrays to an array of Drivers .map(props => new Driver(...props)) //reduce the array of drivers to a single object .reduce((accumulator, currentDriver) => { accumulator[currentDriver.name] = currentDriver return accumulator }, {}) console.log(mappedData) console.log(mappedData.Frank.email)

ES5 Version:

 function Driver(name, email, age) { this.name= name; this.email= email; this.age = age; } var data = [["Frank","franksmail",2], ["name2", "mail2", 3], ["name3", "mail3", 4]] var mappedData = data //map the array of arrays to an array of Drivers .map(function (props) { return new Driver(props[0], props[1], props[2]) }) //reduce the array of drivers to a single object .reduce(function (accumulator, currentDriver) { accumulator[currentDriver.name] = currentDriver return accumulator }, {}) console.log(mappedData) console.log(mappedData.Frank.email)

If you have to Divers with the same name in your data array then you'll loose one of them.

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