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C# Library works on .NET Core 3.1 but not on UWP

Background info:

I am using a DAQ from US Digital (The USB4 Encoder DAQ). The DAQ is connected to my computer via USB. It comes with a library to access and control the DAQ. The library is written in C++ but has a provided C# library wrapper and a bunch of demo programs.

The C# Wrapper is built using .NET Framework, there I created a .NET Core 3.1 project and built the wrapper again in there. on the test console application (that is on .NET Core 3.1), the wrapper class works great and I am able to write commands and retrieve data from the DAQ.

The Problem:

When I try to do the same thing as my console program inside my UWP application, I get nothing. I don't get any errors whatsoever, just none of the functions work. I am running a UWP app built for target version 1903. What could possibly be the issue between my console application and my UWP that is making this not work? Is there things I can do to resolve this issue.

Thanks in advance for any help. Let me know if there is anything I can help clarify about the problem.

using System;
using USB4Wrapper;

namespace TestDAQ
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Declare USB4 variable.
            USB4 mUSB4;

            // Create new USB4 object and assign it to mUSB4 variable.
            mUSB4 = new USB4();

            // Connects to all USB4 devices found on USB bus.
            // If a device is found, then Initialize will return true
            // and mUSB4.DeviceNo will default to 0. To talk to a second
            // device, set the mUSB4.DeviceNo = 1;
            if (mUSB4.Initialize())
                // Output the number of USB4 devices found.
                Console.WriteLine("Found {0} USB4 device(s).", mUSB4.DeviceCount().ToString());


                uint[] arCount = new uint[4];
                uint timeStamp = 0;
                if (mUSB4.CaptureTimeAndCounts(arCount, out timeStamp))
                    Console.WriteLine("Encoder 0 = {0}\nEncoder 1 = {1}\nEncoder 2 = {2}\nEncoder 3 = {3}\nTimeStamp = {4}",
                                      arCount[0].ToString(), arCount[1].ToString(), arCount[2].ToString(), arCount[3].ToString(), timeStamp.ToString());

                // Close connection to USB4 devices.
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to initialize USB4. No device found.");
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");

UPDATE After testing, it also works on WPF apps running on .NET Core 3.1 as well, it seems to be just UWP it does not work on

UPDATE 2 Here is what is inside the wrapper class. After debugging it on UWP, the m_sLastResult returns -32 and compares it to SUCCESS which is 0, therefore returning false

        private static extern short USB4_Initialize(out short sDeviceCount);
        /// <summary>
        /// This function is used to open a connection with all installed and detected USB4 encoder
        /// interface devices. This function returns the number of devices detected in the in/out parameter
        /// piDeviceCount. This function must be called before any other function. Almost all other
        /// function calls require a device number. If there are two boards detected, then the first
        /// board will be device number 0 and the second device number 1. 
        /// During initialization, a device’s module address is read and compared to previously read module
        /// addresses. If the module address already exists, then the newly read device’s module address
        /// is assigned the next available module address. 
        /// If the USB4’s FPGA code is not running, then it is downloaded and executed and the previously
        /// saved encoder control parameters are restored.
        /// After USB4_Initialize is called, DLL functions can be used to change the configuration if needed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Returns true if successful, other false.</returns>
        public bool Initialize()
            lock (mThisLock)
                short count = 0;
                m_sLastResult = USB4_Initialize(out count);
                m_sDeviceCount = count;
            return (m_sLastResult == SUCCESS);

C# Library works on .NET Core 3.1 but not on UWP

Please check this document , The following table lists the minimum platform versions that support each .NET Standard version. That means that later versions of a listed platform also support the corresponding .NET Standard version. For example, .NET Core 2.2 supports .NET Standard 2.0 and earlier .

Currently UWP does not support .Net Core 3.0, it is TBD state, please pay attention to the following update.

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