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AssertJ JSON property check

I have JSONObject instance which contains some property,


i use the following assert, but it fails. Is this correct approach to test JSON in assertj.


如果你想对 JSON 对象做任何严肃的断言,我会推荐 JsonUnit https://github.com/lukas-krecan/JsonUnit

I think it has to do with the fact the JSONObject is like a map which has key-value pairs, while AssertJ expects Java bean-style objects to check if a property exists. I understood this from the document at https://joel-costigliola.github.io/assertj/core/api/org/assertj/core/api/AbstractObjectAssert.html#hasFieldOrProperty(java.lang.String) . Hope I am looking at the right place.

I mean to say that a map or JSONObject doesn't have fields declared in it for AssertJ to look for.

You may use JSONObject.has( String key ) instead, I think.

Fist, you need to traverse the keysets (nodes) using the map class, then verify if the keyset contains the particular node you are looking for.

Map<String, Object> read = JsonPath.read(JSONObject, "$");

If you use SpringBoot you can use the custom impl. for Assertj

    private final BasicJsonTester json = new BasicJsonTester(getClass());

    void testIfHasPropertyName() {
        final JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject("{\n" +
                "\"name\":\"testName\",\n" +
                "\"age\":\"23\"\n" +
        assertThat(json.from(jsonObject.toString())).hasJsonPath( "$.name");

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