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Unable to add a client certificate in MqttNet Managed Client

I'm using MqttNet Library to connect with provided Mqtt Server in my application. I'm using managed mqttnet client from here

getting a little problem I'm unable to add certificate with client. it is giving me error of type mismatch.

this is my code.

 var URL = MqttConfiguration.MqttBrokerAddress;
        var username = MqttConfiguration.MqttClientUserName;
        var password = MqttConfiguration.MqttClientPassword;
        var SSLport = MqttConfiguration.SSLPort;

        var options = new ManagedMqttClientOptionsBuilder()
            .WithClientOptions(new MqttClientOptionsBuilder()
                .WithTcpServer(URL, SSLport)
                .WithCredentials(username, password)
                //.WithTls( GetMqttClientOptions())
                .WithTls(new MqttClientOptionsBuilderTlsParameters()
                    AllowUntrustedCertificates = false,
                    UseTls = true,
                    Certificates = new List<byte[]> { new X509Certificate2(caCert).Export(X509ContentType.Cert) },
                    CertificateValidationCallback = delegate { return true; },
                    IgnoreCertificateChainErrors = false,
                    IgnoreCertificateRevocationErrors = false

        await mqttClient.SubscribeAsync(new TopicFilterBuilder().WithTopic(Topics.handshake).Build());

        await mqttClient.StartAsync(options);

I'm getting the error when on this line

Certificates = new List<byte[]> { new X509Certificate2(caCert).Export(X509ContentType.Cert) },

Error message


I've been stuck here from two days. need help.

The Export function seems to transform your certificate to a byte[] where Certificates is an IEnumerable of X509Certificate

Certificates = new List<X509Certificate> { new X509Certificate2(caCert) }

Should do the trick, which is odd because looking at the source code:

public class MqttClientOptionsBuilderTlsParameters
    public bool UseTls { get; set; }

    public Func<X509Certificate, X509Chain, SslPolicyErrors, IMqttClientOptions, bool> CertificateValidationCallback

    public SslProtocols SslProtocol { get; set; } = SslProtocols.Tls12;

    public IEnumerable<IEnumerable<byte>> Certificates { get; set; }

    public bool AllowUntrustedCertificates { get; set; }

    public bool IgnoreCertificateChainErrors { get; set; }

    public bool IgnoreCertificateRevocationErrors { get; set; }

Certificates is clearly and IEnumerable of IEnumerable of byte, are you sure your package is correct/up to date? I could be completely off here :D

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