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How to make consistent http calls with observable in angular?

I need to make chained http calls to api. In first response I get observable, then I use map operator and return this result:

     getAreaByKey(key: string): Observable<Area> {
       return this.http.get<any[]>(`${this.api}/areas/${key}`).pipe(
        map(result => {
          return {
             'key': result['Key'],
             'name': result['Description'],
             'experts': result['Experts']

Then I need to make another http call with parameter result['Experts'] , which is array with ID's. How can I pass that parameter to next call? I've tried to use SwitchMap, but there is no result. And how to save response data from this calls? because I need to use both in my template.

switchMap is the right operator to use to chain http calls. Whenever the first observable emits, you can create a second observable using the value emitted.

In your example:

getAreaByKey(key: string): Observable<Area> {
   return this.http.get<any[]>(`${this.api}/areas/${key}`).pipe(
      map(result => {
         return {
            'key': result['Key'],
            'name': result['Description'],
            'experts': result['Experts']
      tap(res1 => // save the first response here),
      switchMap(res1 => this.anotherHttpCall(res.experts)),
      tap(res2 => // save the second response here)

As for saving the data, you can either do this in a tap after each observable as above, or you can use async | pipe async | pipe in the template.

If there is no result, it might be that you are not subscribing to the observable:

const obs$ = this.getAreaByKey();  // the observable is defined but the http call has not been made
obs$.subscribe();  // http call is triggered

Again, you can do this manually as above or use async | pipe async | pipe in the template.

Check out https://angular.io/guide/observables

   x => console.log('Observer got a next value: ' + x),
   err => console.error('Observer got an error: ' + err),
  () => console.log('Observer got a complete notification')

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