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Deserializing XML to Objects defined in multiple schemas

I have an XML document containing types from 2 XML schemas. One (theirs.xsd) is a proprietary schema that I am integrating with (and cannot edit). To do this I am defining my own type (mine.xsd) that is an element within an 'any' element is the proprietary type.

I use Visual Studio's xsd.exe to generate C# classes from the schemas. However, the 'any' element in the proprietary type is generated as XmlElement[], and therefore my type doesn't get deserialized.

So I guess I can go one of two ways: either generate classes that will deserialize my type rather then keeping it as an XmlElement, or take the XmlElements and deserialize them individually. To deserialize I need an XmlReader, so I would need to go from an XmlElement to an XmlReader which I'm not sure how to do. Thanks.

Example: File: theirs.xsd

<xs:element name="ProprietaryContainer">
      <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string"/>
      <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

File: mine.xsd

<xs:element name="MyPairType">
      <xs:element name="key" type="xs:string"/>
      <xs:element name="value" type="xs:long"/>

File: message.xml


From the question:

To deserialize I need an XmlReader, so I would need to go from an XmlElement to an XmlReader which I'm not sure how to do

using(XmlReader reader = new XmlNodeReader(element)) {
    //... use reader

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