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Azure Logic App: How do I pass a single For Each variable to an Execute Stored Procedure step?

I am using Azure Logic App to execute a stored procedure that accepts a string input.

Here is the definition of the stored procedure:

ALTER PROCEDURE [ResMgmt].[usp_ExtractReportBlob] 
     (@ReportFileName VARCHAR(255),
      @ReportBlobName VARCHAR(255) OUTPUT)
            @ReportSPROCName VARCHAR(MAX);

    SET @ReportSPROCName = (SELECT ReportSPROCName
                            FROM ResMgmt.ReportMetadata
                            WHERE ReportFileName = @ReportFileName);

    SET @SQL = 'EXEC ' + @ReportSPROCName + ';';

    SELECT (@SQL);

    SET @ReportBlobName = '/<azure-storage>/' + @ReportFileName;

    RETURN @ReportBlobName;

The stored procedure ultimately outputs a string that will be used by Logic App, but first thing's first... I cannot get my Attachments Name iterator to be used as an input for the stored procedure. The stored procedure accepts parameter ReportFileName , which will be coming from the iterator of the For Each step:


You can see that, in the code view, I am referencing the item() dynamically in the body key of the json structure:


But I end up with this error in debug:


When I run from debug, I get the error above. It seems like the json format is correct, so I don't understand why the error is occurring. For example, I can confirm that the correct string value DTG Active Client List Daily.csv is getting passed to the stored procedure key ReportFileName .

How do I pass this variable to my stored procedure?

I figured it out, and it's very simple. I decided to switch to Execute a SQL Query step for ease, but it worked under the old method as well.

I am passing a string variable to my stored procedure. The json "looks" correct because it's contained within double-ticks (eg " " ). But the stored procedure is expecting a string contained within single-ticks (eg ' ' ). I had to manually wrap my variable with the single-ticks.

Like so:


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