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Capturing the exit code of sourced shell script without breaking the current script

I have two shell scripts:


function func() {
echo $1
exit 1


source ./test.sh

func "Hello"
echo "Output: ${exitCode}"



The current problem which I'm facing is that when the function func returns 1, my run.sh script breaks and nothing gets executed after it. So, is there any way I can effectively capture the exit code without breaking run.sh. Since I can't modify the test.sh script, I have to find a way to do it in my run.sh. I tried using flock to execute the script but I couldn't get it working.

If you don't need environmental changes, you can run the function in a subshell. This makes the exit apply only to the ( .. ) and not your main script:

source ./test.sh

( func "Hello" )
echo "Output: ${exitCode}"

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