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Open all files in folder python

I have this function that is supposed to open all text files in a folder and remove all the "\\n" in it.

def FormatTXT():

    conhecimentos = os.listdir('U:/AutoCTE/Conhecimentos')

    for x in conhecimentos:
        with open(x, "r+") as f:
            old = f.read()
            text = old.replace("\n", "")

But this function is returning the following error:

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '20200119-170415-Conhecimento de Transporte.txt'

Happens that this file actually exists in the directory and I can't figure out what I'm missing.

The file paths that you open in x are missing the prefix U:/AutoCTE/Conhecimentos . And since you are in a different directory, those relative paths will not work

def FormatTXT():

    conhecimentos = os.listdir('U:/AutoCTE/Conhecimentos')

    for x in conhecimentos:
        with open('U:/AutoCTE/Conhecimentos/' + x, "r+") as f:
            old = f.read()
            text = old.replace("\n", "")

There are better ways to do this. For example with the os.path module

I think the main problem you have is that you forgive to notice that os.listdir() return the name of the file in a directory not their path, you have to append the file name to the dir path using os.path.join()

There are several way to do this I will pick the 3 I use.

first let write a function that remove parse the file text because you get it right , I would just recommend caution using read() in case of very large file.

def remove_end_lines(file_): 
    remove "\n" from file
    with open(file_, "r+") as f:
        old = f.read()
        text = old.replace("\n", "")

now we have to tackle your main problem file path. -> a choice could be to change the working dir (you should first register the original working dir in order to be able to go back to it)

def FormatTXT(my_dir):

    original_dir = os.getcwd() # register original working dir
    conhecimentos = os.listdir(my_dir) # liste file in the dir
    os.chdir(my_dir)  # change dir

    for file_ in conhecimentos: 

    os.chdir(original_dir) # go back to original dir

second choice let's use os.path.join()

def FormatTXT(my_dir):

    conhecimentos = os.listdir(my_dir) # liste all files in the dir

    for file_ in conhecimentos: 
        file_path = os.path.join(my_dir, file_)  # create the file path by appening the file name to the directory path

In case you have subdirectory and want to perform the same operation you should use os.walk()

def FormatTXT(my_dir):
    for dir_path, dir_name, files_name in os.walk(my_dir):
    # files_name is a list of all file in dir_path,
        if files_name:  # if there is file in the current dir (the list is not empty)

        for file_ in files_names:
            file_path = os.path.join(my_dir, file_)  

I hope this help. if you have more question don't hesitate to ask

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