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How can I return text value of an array instead the function result?

For example if I have an array with one element as follows:

$dom = [file_get_html('https://www.homedepot.com/p/Connecticut-Electric-30-Amp-8-Space-10-Circuits-G2-Manual-Transfer-Switch-Kit-EGS107501G2KIT/100669964', false)];

How can I echo $dom[0]; and have it return JUST the URL (or the text value at minimum) instead of returning the result of the function?

Thank you.


include "db.php";
include "Includes/header.php";
require 'simple_html_dom.php';

$dom = [file_get_html('https://www.homedepot.com/p/Connecticut-Electric-30-Amp-8-Space-10-Circuits-G2-Manual-Transfer-Switch-Kit-EGS107501G2KIT/100669964', false),
        file_get_html('https://www.homedepot.com/p/31180154554', false),
        file_get_html('https://www.homedepot.com/p/Connecticut-Electric-30-Amp-Adapts-to-20-Amp-CESMAD3020/100128920', false)

$answer = array();
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($dom); ++$i)
    $formattedUrl = '$dom[$i] - SHOW URL HERE THAT SEARCH WAS ATTEMPTED ON';    
    echo "<tr><td>" . "Not Listed" . "</td><td>" . $formattedUrl . "</td><td>" . "Not Listed" . "</td></tr>";

$element = $dom[$i]->find('span#ajaxPrice',0);
$title = $dom[$i]->find('h1.product-title__title',0);
$sku = $dom[$i]->find('h2.product_details.modelNo',0);
$formattedSku = str_replace("Model # ", "", $sku);
$titlePlain = $title->plaintext;

    $price = $element->content; 
    $priceFloat = floatval($price); 

$query = "INSERT INTO homedepot(Date,Title,Price) VALUES (CURDATE(), ?, ?)";
$stmt = mysqli_prepare($connection, $query);
mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, "sd", $titlePlain, $priceFloat);

echo "<tr><td>" . $formattedSku . "</td><td>" . $titlePlain . "</td><td>" . $price . "</td></tr>";



Just store the URL in the array and then execute the file_get_html when you need it:

$urls = ['https://www.homedepot.com/p/Connecticut-Electric-30-Amp-8-Space-10-Circuits-G2-Manual-Transfer-Switch-Kit-EGS107501G2KIT/100669964',

foreach($urls as $url)
    $dom = file_get_html($url, false);

    if(!$dom->find('span#ajaxPrice', 0))
        echo "<tr><td>" . "Not Listed" . "</td><td>" . $url . "</td><td>" . "Not Listed" . "</td></tr>";
    // more code . . .

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