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Select a large volume of data with like SQL server

I have a table with ID column

ID column is like this : IDxxxxyyy x will be 0 to 9

I have to select row with ID like ID0xxx% to ID3xxx%, there will be around 4000 ID with % wildcard from ID0000% to ID3999%.

It is like combining LIKE with IN

Select * from TABLE where ID in (ID0000%,ID0001%,...,ID3999%)

I cannot figure out how to select with this condition.

If you have any idea, please help.

Thank you so much!

You can use pattern matching with LIKE . eg

WHERE ID LIKE 'ID[0-3][0-9][0-9][0-9]%'

Will match an string that:

  1. Starts with ID ( ID )
  2. Then has a third character that is a number between 0 and 3 [0-3]
  3. Then has 3 further numbers ( [0-9][0-9][0-9] )

This is not likely to perform well at all. If it is not too late to alter your table design, I would separate out the components of your Identifier and store them separately, then use a computed column to store your full id eg

        NumericID INT NOT NULL,
        YYY CHAR(3) NOT NULL, -- Or whatever type makes up yyy in your ID
        FullID AS CONCAT('ID', FORMAT(NumericID, '0000'), YYY),

Then your query is a simple as:

WHERE   NumericID >= 0 
AND     NumericID < 4000;

This is significantly easier to read and write, and will be significantly faster too.

这应该这样做,它将获得所有以 IDx 开头的 ID,x 从 0 到 4

Select * from TABLE where ID LIKE 'ID[0-4]%'

你可以试试 :

Select * from TABLE where id like 'ID[0-3][0-9]%[a-zA-Z]';

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