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how to get value of field in jquery jtable

I have a drop-down in j-table and I want to extract the selected value from it. Is there any way to get the selected option values from j-table.

sections_template_id: {
  title: 'Template',
  inputTitle: "Template*",
  options: web_sections,
  create: true,
  edit: true,
  list: true                
, sec_hidden: {
type: 'hidden'
  , inputTitle: "Template*"
  , create: true
  , edit: false
  , list: false
  , defaultValue: web_sections

i want to set the value of sections_template_id in sec_hidden

this is my route on which i am calling a function

 Route::post('cms-web-section-templates',['as' => 'cms-web-section-templates', 'uses' => 'CmsController@Main_sections']);

and here is my function

public function Main_sections(Request $request)
        $types = SectionType::getTypes();

      $web_section = WebTemplate::all();


        $rows[] = array("DisplayText"=>"", "Value"=>"");

        foreach ($web_section as $key => $web_sections) {
            $rows[] = array(
                'DisplayText' => $web_sections->name,
                'Value' => $web_sections->id,

        $this->response['Options'] = $rows;
        $this->response['Result'] = "OK";
        return json_encode($this->response);

I used jquery/javascript to grab data from jtable . I cant find in the jtable documentation how to grab the selected value. If you inspect element, once you select the row, a class is added in that row which is "jtable-row-selected".

        var all_rows = [];
            var len = $(this).children().length;
            var row = [];
            for(let i = 0;i < len; i+=1){

Try the jtable selectedRows method to get a jquery object of the selected rows.

The documentation https://jtable.org/ApiReference/Methods#met-selectedRows has short worked example how to get the record and fields for each selected row.

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