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IP Blacklist lookup with PHP

I am trying to count the number of hits an IP occur in the array function "dnsblookup". If the IP occurs three times, it should echo "3|10", where 10 is the total number of blacklist database in the array. My code returns "1|10" for every IP even if it occurs more than once in the blacklist database in the array. I do not know where I made the mistake. I need help to complete this project. Thank you. I put multiple asterisks (*) before the exact code I am having issues with.


        function dnsbllookup($ip)

            $dnsbl_lookup = array (

           $list = "";

           if ($ip) {
            $reverse_ip = implode(".", array_reverse(explode(".", $ip)));
            foreach ($dnsbl_lookup as $host) {
          if (checkdnsrr($reverse_ip . "." . $host . ".", "A")) {
            $list .= implode(".", array_reverse(explode(".",$reverse_ip)))   . ' <font color="red"> 
            <strong>is Listed in </strong></font>'. $host . '<br />';


     if (empty($list)) {
      echo 'No record was not found in the IP blacklist database for:  '.$ip;
      echo  $list;
      echo "<br>";
      echo "0";
      echo "|";
      echo count($dnsbl_lookup);

       } else {
       $list1 = explode(" ", $list);
       echo ($list);
       echo "<br>";
       echo "Blacklisted: ".count($list1);
       echo "|";
       echo count($dnsbl_lookup);

You should reduce the complexity and use string interpolation for easier reading and debugging.

function dnsbllookup($ip)
  $dnsbl_lookup =
      'dnsbl-1.uceprotect.net', 'all.s5h.net', 'wormrbl.imp.ch',
      'dnsbl-2.uceprotect.net', 'blacklist.woody.ch',
      'dnsbl-3.uceprotect.net', 'combined.abuse.ch', 'dnsbl.spfbl.net',
      'dnsbl.dronebl.org', 'http.dnsbl.sorbs.net'

  $dns_count = count($dnsbl_lookup);

  $list = [];

  if ($ip)
    $reverse_ip = implode(".", array_reverse(explode(".", $ip)));

    foreach ($dnsbl_lookup as $host)
      if (checkdnsrr("$reverse_ip.$host.", "A"))
        $list[] = "$ip <font color=\"red\"><strong>is Listed in </strong></font> $host<br />\n";

  $list_count = count($list);

  if (0 === $list_count)
    echo "No record was not found in the IP blacklist database for:  $ip<br>\n";
    $list_str = implode(" ", $list);
    echo "$list_str<br>\nBlacklisted: $list_count<br>\n";
  echo "$list_count|$dns_count\n";

dnsbllookup(''); // 3 entries
dnsbllookup(''); // 1 entry

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