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Hibernate join fetch

I have implemented the following example in this blog https://www.tutorialandexample.com/hibernate-n-1-select-problem/ but I am not happy with the output that I am getting. I am displaying the output which shows Department details and Employee details printed as twice . I want to get the Department details and Employee details to be displayed only once . Any Suggestions ?

The size of depart List object is 4 but actually it must be 2 .

output :

Department details:::::
20  IT
Employees details::::::
21  jyotika
22  shubham
Department details:::::
20  IT
Employees details::::::
21  jyotika
22  shubham
Department details:::::
23  Accounts
Employees details::::::
24  nihal
25  neha
Department details:::::
23  Accounts
Employees details::::::
24  nihal
25  neha


List depart= sess.createQuery("From Department", Department.class).setResultTransformer(Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY).getResultList();

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