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How can I check if edittext is empty?

I have two edittexts and a calculate button. I will enter two numbers and I want to sum these two numbers when I click on the calculate button.Then, when I click on the button, I want to show this result in another activity through bundle. However, if these edittexts are empty, I take a error such as this app stopped. How can I solve these problem? Thank you ...

float number1,number2;
 float resultNet;

                Bundle  bundle = new Bundle(); 
                number1 = Float.parseFloat(edittext1.getText().toString());
                number2 = Float.parseFloat(edittext2.getText().toString());

if((!"".equals(edittext1)) && (!"".equals(edittext2)))
                   // result = number1 - number2/4;

                    Intent intent = new Intent(Calculations.this,CalculationsResults.class);

                    resultNet = number1 - number2/4;

                    Intent intent = new Intent(Calculations.this,CalculationsResults.class);


resultCalculation = findViewById(R.id.result);
Bundle bundle = getIntent().getExtras();
       float resultNet = bundle.getFloat("resultNet");
 if(bundle!= null)

            resultCalculation.setText("Sum Result:"+ resultNet);


You should check the value of the text inside of the EditText then use the values when you know they're appropriate:

// Get the value of the text within the EditText
String enteredText1 = myEditText1.getText().toString();
String enteredText2 = myEditText2.getText().toString();

// Use String comparison to check if the text isn't empty
if(!enteredText1.equals("") && !enteredText2.equals(""){
    // Now you know the values aren't empty
    float myVal = Float.parseFloat(enteredText1);
    float myVal2 = Float.parseFloat(enteredText2);

    // do something with the values ...
    // do something when the values are empty ...
EditText textA = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.text1);
EditText textB = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.text2);

String fieldText1 = textA.getText().toString();
String fieldText2 = textB.getText().toString();

if (fieldText1.matches("") || fieldText2.matches("")) {
    Toast.makeText(this, "Please, Fill in all fields", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

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