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How to hash sha256 many times in python

I want to hash my password many times but it's hard to repeat codes many times depends on exponent.

So, for example in this code for exponent 2 and base 3:

3**2= 9

So I need to hash my password nine times!

I scanned all the web to find any code for help in Python but all found in C language.

Is there an easy way to hash my password many times in Python with hashlib.sha356 not pbkdf2_hmac ?

Here is code for example:

Hello World!



from hashlib import sha256

pw = input('Enter Password: ')
h1 = sha256(pw.encode('utf-8')).digest()
h2 = sha256(h1).digest()
h3 = sha256(h2).digest()
h4 = sha256(h3).digest()
h5 = sha256(h4).digest()
h6 = sha256(h5).digest()
h7 = sha256(h6).digest()
h8 = sha256(h7).digest()
h9 = sha256(h8).hexdigest()
from hashlib import sha256

pw = input('Enter Password: ')
h = sha256(pw.encode('utf-8')).digest()

N = 10
for i in range(N):
    if i != N-1:
        h = sha256(h).digest()
        h = sha256(h).hexdigest()


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