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I need to create a .Net Web API project that my .Net Core project can connect to, but I'm on a Mac

I have a Angular/.NetCoreWebApi app running in Visual Studio Code on my Mac and I need to run some older WCF/SOAP calls. I can't do this with .Net Core (doesn't support WCP/Soap protocols) so I was told the best solution is to create a .Net Web API project and have my .Net Core project call it to make the web service calls.

I'm on a Mac! So is this even possible knowing that .Net doesn't run on a Mac?? If I can create a project to make these calls on my Mac, which project type do I select to create in the terminal/command prompt, when doing a >dotnet new -h?

If what I want isn't possible, is it possible to run the .Net app inside a docker on my Mac?

If these are all a NO I can use my windows machine at work instead, but I'm looking at the types of projects to create on my Win machine on the command prompt and I still don't see a .Net Web Api app. Only .Net Core projects. I have the .Net framework 4.8 packages installed! And I can create the .Net project in Visual Studio, so is this the only way to create it?


.Net Core supports WCF clients , so there shouldn't be any reason for you not to use the ASP.NET Core Web API project type, assuming you mean you need to call a WCF service external to your project as a client, and not to host a WCF service.

This user showed that it was possible by manually adding and invoking the svcutil tool.

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