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Cannot mkdir /data/db (or sudo mkdir /data/db) for mongodb. Haven't been able to find an answer here that works

I get this when I run mongod -

Johns-MacBook-Pro:~ johnnyringo506$ mongod
2020-02-18T17:12:06.439-0500 I  CONTROL  [main] Automatically disabling TLS 1.0, to force-enable TLS 1.0 specify --sslDisabledProtocols 'none'
2020-02-18T17:12:06.446-0500 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten] MongoDB starting : pid=24840 port=27017 dbpath=/data/db 64-bit host=Johns-MacBook-Pro.local
2020-02-18T17:12:06.446-0500 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten] db version v4.2.3
2020-02-18T17:12:06.446-0500 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten] git version: 6874650b362138df74be53d366bbefc321ea32d4
2020-02-18T17:12:06.446-0500 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten] allocator: system
2020-02-18T17:12:06.446-0500 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten] modules: none
2020-02-18T17:12:06.446-0500 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten] build environment:
2020-02-18T17:12:06.446-0500 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten]     distarch: x86_64
2020-02-18T17:12:06.446-0500 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten]     target_arch: x86_64
2020-02-18T17:12:06.446-0500 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten] options: {}
2020-02-18T17:12:06.447-0500 I  STORAGE  [initandlisten] exception in initAndListen: NonExistentPath: Data directory /data/db not found., terminating
2020-02-18T17:12:06.447-0500 I  NETWORK  [initandlisten] shutdown: going to close listening sockets...
2020-02-18T17:12:06.447-0500 I  -        [initandlisten] Stopping further Flow Control ticket acquisitions.
2020-02-18T17:12:06.447-0500 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten] now exiting
2020-02-18T17:12:06.447-0500 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten] shutting down with code:100

And then I receive a "mkdir: /data: No such file or directory" when I try to create it

尝试使用 sudo 运行,问题可能出在权限或使用此命令创建目录 sudo mkdir -p /data/db 然后重新启动 MongoDB 服务

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