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Laravel array $request->all() empty

I'm working on a shopping cart with Laravel.

I have :

Routes :

Route::post('/panier/ajouter', 'CartController@store')->name('cart.store');
Route::patch('/panier/{product}', 'CartController@update')->name('cart.update');

View :

<table class="table" id="table-shoppingcart">
                        <th class="text-center" id="item-title-shoppingcart"></th>
                        <th class="text-center" id="size-title-shoppingcart">Taille</th>
                        <th class="text-center" id="quantity-title-shoppingcart">Quantité</th>
                        <th class="text-center" id="price-title-shoppingcart">Prix</th>
                        {{-- <th class="text-center" id="delete-title-shoppingcart"></th> --}}
                    @foreach (Cart::content() as $product)

                        <th><img class="text-center item-content-shoppingcart" src="{{ $product->model->image }}"></th>
                        <td class="text-center td-table-shoppingcart size-content-shoppingcart">S</td>
                        <td class="td-table-shoppingcart quantity-content-shoppingcart">
                            <select name="quantity" class="custom-select text-center quantity" id="quantity" data-id="{{ $product->rowId }}">
                                @for ($i = 0; $i < 5 + 1 ; $i++)
                                <option id="quantity-option" {{ $product->qty == $i ? 'selected' : '' }}>{{ $i }}</option>
                        <td class="text-center td-table-shoppingcart price-content-shoppingcart">{{ getPrice($product->subtotal()) }}</td>


Ajax request :

    const classname = document.querySelectorAll('#quantity')
    Array.from(classname).forEach(function(element) {
        let id = element.getAttribute('data-id')
        axios.patch(`/panier/${id}`, {
            quantity: this.value
        .then(function (response) {
           // console.log(response);
            $("#table-shoppingcart").load(location.href + " #table-shoppingcart");
        .catch(function (error) {
           // console.log(error);

I need to get the quantity in my controller so i try :

public function update(Request $request)
        $data = $request->json()->all();
        return response()->json(['success' => 'Cart Quantity Has Been Updated']);

But when i try to get a $data value, my array is empty like this in my log :

[2020-02-22 10:49:46] local.INFO: array ()  

I tryed to change :

$data = $request->json()->all();


$data = $request->all();

But same problem.

Do you have any idea ?

Thanks !

Laravel cheats with PUT/PATCH/DELETE etc requests. These need to be POST requests with the extra variable '_method' set to the request type (eg) PATCH .

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