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Interface with generic type of the class implementing the interface?

Having a class that implement a interface with generic type of "This" class

Is there a way to do this without a cast?

Simple code:

interface Triggerable<This: Triggerable<This>> {
    var trigger: (This) -> Unit
    fun triggerNow() = trigger(this as This)
class Test : Triggerable<Test>{
    override var trigger: (Test) -> Unit = { /*...*/ }

The same a little more complex:

interface TriggerInterface<T> {
    val trigger: (T) -> Unit
    fun triggerNow()
interface Triggerable<T: Triggerable<T>>: TriggerInterface<T> {
    override fun triggerNow() = trigger(this as T)
interface Signalable<T>: TriggerInterface<T> {
    var value: T
    override fun triggerNow() = trigger(value)
class Test : Triggerable<Test>{
    override val trigger: (Test) -> Unit = { /*...*/ }

Should be possible like this

 interface TriggerInterface<T: TriggerInterface<T>> {
    val trigger: (T) -> Unit
    fun triggerNow()

    fun getThis(): T

 interface Triggerable<T: TriggerInterface<T>>: TriggerInterface<T> {
     override fun triggerNow() = trigger(getThis())

 class Test : Triggerable<Test>{
     override fun getThis(): Test = this

     override val trigger: (Test) -> Unit = { /*...*/ }

Check http://www.angelikalanger.com/GenericsFAQ/FAQSections/ProgrammingIdioms.html#FAQ206

I would also personally recommend to reconsider if you really need both TriggerInterface AND Triggerable (where one inherits from the other).

Calling override fun triggerNow() = trigger(this as T) you are trying to cast Triggerable<T> to T thats why compiler warns you about unchecked cast


    val trigger: (TriggerInterface<T>) -> Unit

will allow you to call trigger with no casting

    override fun triggerNow() = trigger(this)

to actually execute

override val trigger: (Test) -> Unit = { /*...*/ }

you need an instance of Test to pass inside of trigger which is not declared anywhere in your code yet

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