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angular 8 post rest service not working with spring boot - giving null in HttpServletRequest

I am working on a angular application. In that I have to send data to backend post api call . I am using 'formdata' to send file. But when I am checking java side in spring boot controller HttpServletRequest is don't have the data we send from angular (when I read userId from request I got null)

this below is my angular code

const formData = new FormData();
for(let j=0;j<this.fileLists.length; j++)
this.homeService.uploadFiles(formData).subscribe(data => {
  console.log("result is ", data)

return this.http.post("upload url",formdata);

and the below is my java code


@CrossOrigin(origins = ("http://localhost:4200"))
@PostMapping(value = "/upload" )
public ResponseEntity<CdccUploadResponseVO> uploadJSON(HttpServletRequest httpRequest, 
HttpServletResponse httpResponse)
throws CALValidationException
  System.out.println("Controller================================get is"+httpRequest.getParameter("userId"));

I am getting null in httpRequest.getParameter("userId")

edit 1:when I tried in postman , API is working only when we are sending data as multipart form. otherwise the same the error like angular. So how can I send send Multipart form from angular instead of Formdata.

Please help me to fix this.

I think you have a typo in the Angular code, it should be with lowercase f :

return this.http.post("upload url", formData);

Also, "upload url" should match the url of Spring Boot @PostMapping but presumably you have just edited that out. I hope this helps.

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