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React Render HTML object from JSON object

I have to render html object Array in React JS Can anyone guide me how to use renderHTML function. output of the object is something like this: "

 const items = this.state.Data.map(item => (
      <div key={item._id}>{renderHTML("{item.albComEn}")}</div>

another variation i tried 

const items = this.state.Data.map(item => (
      <div key={item._id}>{renderHTML("item.albComEn")}</div>

output i get => "item.albComEn" or {item.albComEn}

You can try with template strings. More info


 const items = this.state.Data.map(item => ( <div key={item._id}>{renderHTML(`${item.albComEn}`)}</div>

You can also use short syntax of React Fragments ie '<> </>'. Use these to bracket to write the html code. When rendered the html code will successfully compiled. Example:

const service = [
            htmlCode: <>
               <h2>Application Screening</h2>
               <br />
               <br />
               What you can expect from us:<br />
                -   Your resume will be written by a team of seasoned experts<br />
                -   They will make sure that your Resume presents your strong points,
                    achievements & key skills in a recruiter-friendly format.<br />

Use inside render method as


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