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How to write regex in XSD

I am writing XSD pattern restriction and I have the following strings that are valid

  • ^user
  • ^user.name
  • {$username}
  • {$user1.name}

And the below are invalid

  • user
  • User
  • USER
  • {username}
  • {user@name}

The rule is to start the string with either ^ or {. If we start with { then next character should be $ and the word should end with }. No uppercase or @ symbol allowed.

I have tried this <xs:pattern value="[\\^\\{].*\\w+\\}?"/> this work partially but doesnt satisfy all conditions

Any help is appreciated.

You may use

<xs:attribute name="label">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:pattern value="\^[a-z]+(\.[a-z]+)?|\{\$[a-z]+(\.[a-z]+)?}"/>

XSD regex are always anchored, so the two alternatives in the above regex must match the whole string.

They match

  • \\^[az]+(\\.[az]+)? - ^ char, then 1+ lowercase ASCII letters, then an optional sequence of . and 1+ lowercase ASCII letters
  • | - or
  • \\{\\$ - {$ substring
  • [az]+(\\.[az]+)? - 1+ lowercase ASCII letters, then an optional sequence of . and 1+ lowercase ASCII letters
  • } - a } char.

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