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Query in Oracle to select with subquery

I have the following table on my Oracle database:

 flight NUMBER(4),
 date   DATE,
 action VARCHAR2(50),
 CONSTRAINT pk PRIMARY KEY (flight,date)

and the following registers:

 INSERT INTO test VALUES ('1234', '2020-02-29 18:00', 'Departure');
 INSERT INTO test VALUES ('1234', '2020-02-29 19:00', 'Arrival');

 INSERT INTO test VALUES ('4321', '2020-02-20 22:00', 'Departure');
 INSERT INTO test VALUES ('4321', '2020-02-21 04:30', 'Arrival');

My problem is that I want to make a SELECT that returns me the flight number only when it has departed and arrived at the same day. For example, flight '1234' has departed on day 29 and arrived on day 29, but in the other hand, the flight '4321' has departed on day 20 and arrived on day 21. I only would like to select the flight '1234', because it is the only one who meets the requeriments.

I have been thinking about the following select, but it doesn't work because the subquery returns more than just one value:

SELECT flight
  FROM test
 WHERE action = 'Departure'
                                        FROM test
                                       WHERE action = 'Arrival');

Thank you so much.

You just need distinct action within a day. So, use HAVING count distinctly of two individual actions GROUPed BY flight and day :

SELECT flight
  FROM test
 WHERE action in ('Departure','Arrival')
 GROUP BY flight, trunc("date")
HAVING COUNT(distinct action)=2

where there should be distinct clause, need is observed if the sample data set is extended


  • date is a reserved keyword and cannot be used as a column name for Oracle database. So, I preferred "date"
  • Prefix the time literals with timestamp keyword and add portion :00 at the end to represent second such as timestamp'2020-02-21 04:30:00' during the insertion

We don't know, whether a flight number in your data model uniquely represents a flight or not. We also don't know whether there can be any actions apart from 'Departure' and 'Arrival'.

The following solutions look at a flight number in combination with the flight date and consider the two actions in question, so they work in any case:


select flight, trunc(date) from test where action = 'Departure'
select flight, trunc(date) from test where action = 'Arrival';

With aggregation:

select flight, trunc(date)
from test
group by flight, trunc(date)
having count(case when action = 'Departure' then 1 end) = 1
   and count(case when action = 'Arrival' then 1 end) = 1;

You need the same table two time in join

SELECT t1.flight
FROM test t1
INNER JOIN test t2 ON t1.action = 'Departure'
    AND TO_CHAR(t1.date, 'YYYY-MM-DD')  = TO_CHAR(t2.date, 'YYYY-MM-DD')
    AND t2.action = 'Arrival'
    AND t1.flight =t2.flight

Or using the subquery ..use a proper FROM clause again

SELECT flight
FROM test
WHERE action = 'Departure'
AND (TO_CHAR(date, 'YYYY-MM-DD'), flight)  = (
    SELECT TO_CHAR(date, 'YYYY-MM-DD'), flight
    FROM test
    WHERE action = 'Arrival');        

With COUNT() window function:

select distinct flight
from (
  select t.*, 
    count(distinct action) over (partition by flight, to_char("date", 'YYYY-MM-DD')) counter
  from test t
where counter = 2

See the demo .

> | FLIGHT |
> | -----: |
> |   1234 |

Yet another option is to use the join with flight number and date as follows:

SELECT distinct d.flight
  FROM test d JOIN test a 
    ON d.action = 'Departure'
    AND trunc(d.date) = trunc(a.date)
    AND a.action = 'Arrival'
    AND a.flight = d.flight;


A PIVOT statement could work too

FROM (SELECT flight, date, action
    FROM test)

      FOR ACTION IN ('Departure' AS DEP, 'Arrival' AS AR)

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