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How can I fix syntax-error in python code?

I'm following this tutorial from the website: https://towardsdatascience.com/creating-the-twitter-sentiment-analysis-program-in-python-with-naive-bayes-classification-672e5589a7ed Everything is good so far but I keep getting an error when trying to run this code.

def buildTrainingSet(corpusFile, tweetDataFile):
import csv
import time

corpus = []

with open(corpusFile,'rb') as csvfile:
    lineReader = csv.reader(csvfile,delimiter=',', quotechar="\"")
    for row in lineReader:
        corpus.append({"tweet_id":row[2], "label":row[1], "topic":row[0]})

rate_limit = 180
sleep_time = 900/180

trainingDataSet = []

for tweet in corpus:
        status = twitter_api.GetStatus(tweet["tweet_id"])
        print("Tweet fetched" + status.text)
        tweet["text"] = status.text
# now we write them to the empty CSV file
with open(tweetDataFile,'wb') as csvfile:
    linewriter = csv.writer(csvfile,delimiter=',',quotechar="\"")
    for tweet in trainingDataSet:
            linewriter.writerow([tweet["tweet_id"], tweet["text"], tweet["label"], tweet["topic"]])
        except Exception as e:
return trainingDataSet
corpusFile = "C:\Users\Vilma\Documents\CIS450\group prjt/corpus.csv"
tweetDataFile = "C:\Users\Vilma\Documents\CIS450\group prjt/tweetDataFile.csv"

trainingData = buildTrainingSet (corpusFile, tweetDataFile)

I keep getting this error:

 File "<ipython-input-33-54fea359e8f9>", line 1
    corpusFile = "C:\Users\Vilma\Documents\CIS450\group prjt/corpus.csv"
SyntaxError: (unicode error) 'unicodeescape' codec can't decode bytes in position 2-3: truncated \UXXXXXXXX escape

I even tried putting r' in front of C:\\Users\\Vilma\\Documents\\CIS450\\group prjt/corpus.csvbut I still keeping getting error.

update: Fixed error, I put code as

corpusFile = r'C:\Users\Vilma\Documents\CIS450\group prjt\corpus.csv'
tweetDataFile = r'C:\Users\Vilma\Documents\CIS450\group prjt\tweetDataFile.csv'

However, a new error pops up:

File "<ipython-input-41-f44768dabc6e>", line 7, in buildTrainingSet
    with open(corpusFile,'rb') as csvfile:

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\Users\\Vilma\\Documents\\CIS450\\group prjt\\corpus.csv'

Try correcting your file path.

corpusFile = "C:\Users\Vilma\Documents\CIS450\group prjt/corpus.csv"

    Should be:

    corpusFile = "C:\Users\Vilma\Documents\CIS450\group prjt\corpus.csv"

Hope this helps!

You can use:

corpusFile = r"C:\\Users\\Vilma\\Documents\\CIS450\\group prjt\\corpus.csv"

If you are not finding the file, please make sure the file exists in the folder.

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