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Possibility to process a list of commands with subprocess.Popen for python3.7

I want to write content from curl command applied to multiple urls to one file, eg I have

 days = [f'from-{x+1}d-to-{x}'for x in range(5, 0, -1)]

 urls = [f'https:\\example.com?{day}/data' for day in days]

 command = [f'curl {url}' for url in urls]


['curl https:\\example.com?from-6d-to-5/data', 'curl https:\\example.com?from-5d-to-4/data', 'curl https:\\example.com?from-4d-to-3/data', 'curl https:\\example.com?from-3d-to-2/data', 'curl https:\\example.com?from-2d-to-1/data']

And I'm trying to write it all to just one file:

content = subprocess.Popen(([x for x in command]), shell = True, text = True, stdout = subprocess.PIPE).communicate()
 file_name = open('file_1', 'a') 

but looks like subprocess.Popen executes only the first curl command as I can see only one output in the console:

% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 12591 0 12591 0 0 20931 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 20915

Is there a way to execute multiple commands with subprocess.Popen? I suppose that there should be the same amount of console outputs as the amount of urls to be curled

You can use urllib directly within Python, usually there is no need to use subprocess/curl:

import urllib.request

days = [f'from-{x+1}d-to-{x}'for x in range(5, 0, -1)]
urls = [f'https://example.com?{day}/data' for day in days]

for url in urls:
    with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as response:

From the official documentation:

subprocess.Popen(args, bufsize=-1, executable=None, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, preexec_fn=None, close_fds=True, shell=False, cwd=None, env=None, universal_newlines=None, startupinfo=None, creationflags=0, restore_signals=True, start_new_session=False, pass_fds=(), *, encoding=None, errors=None, text=None)

Execute a child program in a new process. On POSIX, the class uses os.execvp()-like behavior to execute the child program. On Windows, the class uses the Windows CreateProcess() function. The arguments to Popen are as follows.

args should be a sequence of program arguments or else a single string or path-like object. By default, the program to execute is the first item in args if args is a sequence. If args is a string, the interpretation is platform-dependent and described below. See the shell and executable arguments for additional differences from the default behavior. Unless otherwise stated, it is recommended to pass args as a sequence.

Popen() expects only one child process to be created. So , the first command is considered, and others might be considered as extra arguments.

As answered by @Maurice , you can use the urllib to get the URL response. If you still want to use subprocess for this purpose, then there may be changes required like

responses = [str(subprocess.Popen(x.split(" "), shell = True, text = True, stdout = subprocess.PIPE).communicate()) for x in commands]

file_name = open('file_1', 'a')

This might not be a good option if you have lot of URLs to process.

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