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why does my PHP foreach loop is inserting wrong value on mysql?

My foreach loop in PHP is inserting the wrong value. I have a table that collects data regarding a book using html form with jquery. In a table I was inserting array value, here is my code from the form.


include_once 'config/database.php';
include_once 'config/bookclass.php';

$database = new Database();
$db = $database->getConnection();

$book = new Book($db);


      $book->number_of_ page=$_POST['number_of_ page'];

        echo "saved";
      echo "not saved";

and here is my code from bookclass.php that I used to insert the data

public function book(){

foreach($this-> book_title AS $this->key => $this->value) {

                  $query = "INSERT INTO


                    number_of_ page = :number_of_page,
                    genre = :genre,
                    author = :author,
                    type = :type,
                    publication = :publication";

                    $stmt = $this->conn->prepare($query);

                    $this->number_of_ page= $this->number_of_ page[$this->key];
                    $this->genre = $this->genre[$this->key];
                    $this-> author= $this-> author[$this->key];
                    $this-> type= $this-> type[$this->key];
                    $this-> publication = $this->publication[$this->key];

                    $stmt->bindParam(':book_title', $this->book_title);
                    $stmt->bindParam(':number_of_ page', $this->number_of_ page);
                    $stmt->bindParam(':genre ', $this->genre );
                    $stmt->bindParam(':author', $this->author);
                    $stmt->bindParam(': type', $this-> type);
                    $stmt->bindParam(':publication', $this->publication);


here is data that I am inserting in the table.

 | book_title|number_of_ page| genre | author       | type       |publication|
 | carrie    |     199       | horror| stephen king | softcover  |   1974    |
 | dune      |     412       | scifi | frank herbert| hardcover  |   1965    |

but here is what the result on the backend.

 | book_title|number_of_ page| genre | author       | type       |publication|
 | carrie    |     199       | horror| H            | softcover  |   1974    |
 | dune      |     9         | o     | I            | o          |   9       |

I am not sure what is the problem. Maybe someone can share their expert opinion on this matter I would gladly appreciate it. Thank you very much in advance.

EDIT : I am able to insert the data on the first row correctly, here is what it looks like now. The author from the first row was correct, but on the second one from "I", it now became "t".

 | book_title|number_of_ page| genre | author       | type       |publication|
 | carrie    |     199       | horror| stephen king | softcover  |   1974    |
 | dune      |     9         | o     | t            | o          |   9       |

Additional Edit:

So I add these code in form.php

include_once 'config/database.php';
include_once 'config/bookclass.php';

$database = new Database();
$db = $database->getConnection();

$book = new Book($db);


  $book->number_of_ page=$_POST['number_of_ page'];

        var_dump ($value);
        var_dump($book->number_of_ page[$key]);
  echo "not saved";

And here is what I got:

Notice: Undefined variable: value in /var/www/html/library/form.php on line 106
Notice: Undefined variable: key in /var/www/html/library/form.php on line 107

Notice: String offset cast occurred in /var/www/html/library/form.php on line 107
string(1) "9" 
Notice: Undefined variable: key in /var/www/html/library/form.php on line 108

Notice: String offset cast occurred in /var/www/html/library/form.php on line 108
string(1) "t" 
Notice: Undefined variable: key in /var/www/html/library/form.php on line 109

Notice: String offset cast occurred in /var/www/html/library/form.php on line 109
string(1) "o" 
Notice: Undefined variable: key in /var/www/html/library/form.php on line 110

Notice: String offset cast occurred in /var/www/html/library/form.php on line 110
string(1) "o" 
Notice: Undefined variable: key in /var/www/html/library/form.php on line 111

Notice: String offset cast occurred in /var/www/html/library/form.php on line 111
string(1) "9" 

Why are you using class members for your foreach loop? You can just do:

foreach ($this->book_title as $key => $value) .

You also have a lot of whitespaces surrounding $this-> calls. Your code is also XSS injectable, because you do not sanitize your input with htmlspecialchars or htmlentities . But all of that aside. The best way of debugging PHP code is to use var_dump . Check first and foremost the $this->author by doing var_dump($this->author) . I can unfortunately not tell you anymore because the code you've provided is not complete and to make a valid judgement and give you the help you need, you would need to provide the parts where you assign the author class member.

Are you sure that the values that you're inserting to the database are truly arrays and not strings? Judging from your output, the values seem like strings, otherwise you wouldn't have gotten just characters.

Ok Im posting an answer because I finally cracked it,

I just changed this :

public function book(){

foreach($this-> book_title AS $this->key => $this->value) {

              $query = "INSERT INTO


                number_of_ page = :number_of_page,
                genre = :genre,
                author = :author,
                type = :type,
                publication = :publication";

                $stmt = $this->conn->prepare($query);

                $this->number_of_ page= $this->number_of_ page[$this->key];
                $this->genre = $this->genre[$this->key];
                $this-> author= $this-> author[$this->key];
                $this-> type= $this-> type[$this->key];
                $this-> publication = $this->publication[$this->key];

                $stmt->bindParam(':book_title', $this->book_title);
                $stmt->bindParam(':number_of_ page', $this->number_of_ page);
                $stmt->bindParam(':genre ', $this->genre );
                $stmt->bindParam(':author', $this->author);
                $stmt->bindParam(': type', $this-> type);
                $stmt->bindParam(':publication', $this->publication);


to this:

              public function book(){

    foreach($this-> book_title AS $key => $value) {

              $query = "INSERT INTO


                number_of_ page = :number_of_page,
                genre = :genre,
                author = :author,
                type = :type,
                publication = :publication";

                $stmt = $this->conn->prepare($query);

                $this->number_of_ page= $this->number_of_ page;
                $this->genre = $this->genre;
                $this-> author= $this-> author;
                $this-> type= $this-> type;
                $this-> publication = $this->publication;

                $stmt->bindParam(':book_title', $value);
                $stmt->bindParam(':number_of_ page', $this->number_of_ page[$key]);
                $stmt->bindParam(':genre ', $this->genre[$key] );
                $stmt->bindParam(':author', $this->author[$key]);
                $stmt->bindParam(': type', $this-> type[$key]);
                $stmt->bindParam(':publication', $this->publication[$key]);


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