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React Native read yaml file

I'd like to read and parse a static yaml resource file (let's starts from there) within my React Native source code, I tried require('path/to/file.yaml') to no avail.

I also tried with npm's libraries such as read-yaml or yaml-loader all of which cannot get the yaml content properly.

It is a breeze with json file, I can just `require('path/to/file.json') and immediately get everything in nice object format.

Is there a way to read yaml in react native? It is just another text file right with a different format right, so I don't think it will be that hard to read and parse the yaml file., but I am new to JavaScript and React-Native here coming from C/C++ background

Since there appears to be no built-in support for yaml, I believe you would need to use something like react-native-fs , or in Expo FileSystem.readAsStringAsync (treating the file as an asset). You should then be able to use a library such as yaml-js to parse the string as read.

You can't use require directly to load yaml. If you're using Expo:

  1. use a hook:
const [assets, assetsLoadError] = useAssets([
  1. load asset (won't work without the hook above):
const loadedAsset = await Asset.loadAsync(
  1. Read the file into a string var:
let content;
try {
    content = await FileSystem.readAsStringAsync(
} catch (e) {
    console.log({ e });
  1. Parse YAML from string, eg with YAML npm package:
const parsedYAML = YAML.parse(content);

First install npm install --save babel-plugin-content-transformer

Then add to your babel config :

plugins: [
                transformers: [
                        file: /\.ya?ml$/,
                        format: 'yaml',

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