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Connect Segmentation Fault in Qt

I am getting an error on my connect segmentation fault and program crashes. SIGSEGV

connect(Properties->UI->okWordPushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(wordcount(int)));

void notepad::wordcount(int wcount)

        wcount = ui->textEdit->toPlainText().split(QRegExp("(\\s|\\n|\\r)+"), QString::SkipEmptyParts).count();


What I am trying to accomplish is that when I press okWordPushButton in Properties it will read from notepad->textEdit and send an int to Properties->wordcountlabel

public slots:
    void wordcount(int);

I have included all the files for properties but I get that error. Please help.

I had to use a different approach.

 connect(Properties, SIGNAL(wordComboChanged(int, QString)), this,SLOT(calculateWordCount(int, QString)));
connect(this, SIGNAL(wordCountUpdated(int)), Properties, SLOT(updateWordCount(int)));

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