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Dynamic js bundle synchronous api call

My case is I have a js web app that I bundle with webpack. The app is deployed to a azure webapp where I like to make use of the Application Settings feature. Particular I like to be able to set the api base url the app should use. To make that work my idea is to place a .php in the root which simple return something like {url: 'api.mypage.com'} . The .php can read the evironment variable and return correct url based on the environment. Today when I bundle my js it reads the .config with the api url which makes the bundle environment dependent. I have been trying to make a call relative to it self (/api.php) that works fine. The problem is a can't get it working synchronously.

How would you guys solve this? I'm not a js expert but there must be a smart solution fot this. I have been fibbleing with somthing like this:

const dynConfig = {
    apiUrl: getApiBaseUrl((param) => {console.log('3. Callback done: ', param); return param;})

function getApiBaseUrl(_callBack) {
  console.log('1. Enter getApiBaseUrl');
  .then(response => response.json())
  .then( data => {
    console.log('2. Data fetched: ', data[0].type);
  .catch(err => {

// This where it fails to "wait"
console.log('4. This should not be undefined: ', dynConfig.apiUrl);


As per our discussion in the comments here is an implementation with both async/await and promises

Async/Await based

/* Async/Await */
async function async_getApiBaseUrl() {
    try {
    let res = await (await fetch('https://official-joke-api.appspot.com/jokes/programming/random')).json();

    return res[0];

  } catch(err) {
    return '';

  console.log('async joke:')
  console.log(`Got a joke: ${joke.setup}`);
  console.log(' ');

Promise based

/* Promise */
function promise_getApiBaseUrl(_callBack){
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        .then(async function(res) { return await res.json(); })
        .then(function (res) {
      .catch(function (err) { reject(err) });

    .then(function(joke) {
    // use your apiBaseUrl
    console.log('promise joke:')
    console.log(`Got a joke: ${joke.setup}`);

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