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BulkUpdate for Sequelize.org on MSSQL

I have a table with three fields.

  id_ram   |    value  |  um 

id_ram is primary key.

I'm designing an Express API with sequelize . I am not able to update multiple rows of this table.

I am passing json array like below.


This is what I have tried so far.

router.post('/update',function (req, res) {

    var api_name = middleware_name + " /update"; 

    // - Check if the input array is passed 
    if(req.body.array == undefined) {

        var jsonErrorResponse = api_manager.PrepareJSONResponse(api_name, "", "value of input parameter [array] is undefined");

    else {
        var create_values_array = "";
        try {
            //Parse INPUT JSON Array
            create_values_array = JSON.parse(req.body.array);
        catch (err) {

            //Raise SyntaxError
            var jsonErrorResponse = api_manager.PrepareJSONResponse(api_name,"",err.message);
            var jsonInternalError = api_manager.PrepareJSONResponse(api_name,"",err);

            //Send error Response

        , {updateOnDuplicate: ["id_ram"]})
        .then(created_objects => { // Notice: There are no arguments here, as of right now you'll have to...

            //Send Response and Log Action
            var jsonData = api_manager.PrepareJSONResponse(api_name,created_objects,"");


        }).catch (function (err) {

            //Write Error Log
            var jsonErrorResponse = api_manager.PrepareJSONResponse(api_name,"",err.message);
            var jsonInternalError = api_manager.PrepareJSONResponse(api_name,"",err);

            //Send error Response

How can we implement bulkUpdate like bulkCreate in sequelize orm for MSSQL ?

For bulk create you do it this way.

//array of object to be inserted
const data = [
   {field1: "value1"}, {field2: "value2"}...

Model.bulkCreate(data, {returning: true}) //if you don't pass returning true it will not return the data

bulkCreate() can also be used for updating as well.

bulkCreate(data , {updateOnDuplicate : true })

Hello {updateOnDuplicate : true } raise an error because SQL Server doesn't support this feature.

Is It possible to take another way ?

You could achieve this by writing a function that calls the Sequelize upsert function in a loop like so:

const records = [
  { field1: 'value1', field2: 'value2' },

async function bulkUpsert(records) {
  return Promise.all(
    records.map((record) {
      return Model.upsert(record);

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