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Where can I download Rational Application Developer (RAD) 7 and WebSphere Application Server (WAS) 7?

I have been searching for RAD 7 and WAS 7 from IBM but could not find the relevant installers. I have an application that requires this version and I still have not been able to open it. I clarify that I need the specific version and not a different one (Neither previous nor superior).

I am grateful if you can tell me where I can download the versions of the indicated applications, no matter if they are the test versions or they are housed in unofficial repositories.

What operating system does your application run? For Linux use these PARTNUMBERS CZ0KHML.zip Download 2 of 9: WebSphere Application Server V7.0 for Linux on PowerPC, 32-bit, Multilingual C1G03ML.tar.gz. C1G03ML

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