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Unable to get stack trace for native crashes in Crashlytics

I have an Android project which includes native libraries (.so). I have integrated firebase crashlytics into my project. I am able to get crash dump for the Java crashes in firebase crashlytics. However, in case of native crashes - the stack trace is missing For example - it is something like:

Crashed: Thread: SIGSEGV  0x0000000003000000
       at (Missing)()
       at (Missing)()
       at (Missing)()
       at (Missing)()
       at (Missing)()

I have added the debug and release version of the native libs inside the folder app/src/main/obj and app/src/main/libs respectively The relevant portion of the app build.gradle is:

crashlytics {
    enableNdk true
    androidNdkOut 'src/main/obj/'
    androidNdkLibsOut 'src/main/libs/'
    //manifestPath 'src/main/AndroidManifest.xml'

I upload the native symbols using the command

./gradlew crashlyticsUploadSymbolsRelease

which returned success (the build variant of my application is Release). I also did

./gradlew crashlyticsUploadSymbolsDebug

just to be sure, but that also didn't help.

So my questions are:

  1. Is there some step which I am missing?

  2. How can I debug and fix this?

Do not forget to check the verbose output of the command ./gradlew crashlyticsUploadSymbolsRelease --debug . It must show message like Crashlytics symbol file uploaded successfully . If it is not the case, check the surrounding messages that could indicate the root cause.

This was not sufficient in my case, and to fix the issue, I followed an advice found here : I set android:extractNativeLibs to true in the AndroidManifest.xml file.


Note that this settings has an impact on the apk size and its installation size as explained here: Setting android:extractNativeLibs=false to reduce app size

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