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Java Spring application.propperties environment variables or default

I'm trying to make a complete development to the production pipeline.

In this scenario, I want to have a Jenkins job deploy the Java Spring application once a new commit is done.

An example of some of my applications.propperties is:


Once you have this in a git repository your credentials are stored and visual for everyone. I don't have the plan to make anything public yet but seems like a bad idea to store application.properties with passwords on a git repository.

So best case scenario I want something like this, where I can set environment vars on my deployment server: spring.datasource.username=${DB_PASS}:PASSWORD In case of environment variable DB_PASS doesn't exist

I'm stuck on how to achieve this. I have seen the usage of @Value but I'm unaware of how to use that with given application properties.

You can use all properties also as environment variables.

Simply make the name uppercase and replace . by _


Please read the documentation: https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/htmlsingle/#boot-features-external-config

Why are you storing the github credentials in application.properties?

Consider connecting Jenkins to github via Webhooks:

Here is the plugin for Jenkins

Here is a tutorial on setting up and using Github webhooks with Jenkins

EDIT 3/24/2020: You can consider having a properties file that is external to the project and add it to the classpath (simply don't commit it) using something like @PropertySource . Further, once you build your project, you can place a properties file in the same directory and it will be picked up by default when you start your spring boot application.


C:<path to project>/target/project.jar

C:<path to project>/target/custom-properties.properties



will be loaded on start up.

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