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C Program isn't printing strings properly

Here is my code at the moment:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define WORD_LEN 20

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

    int i;
    char smallest_word[WORD_LEN + 1],
         largest_word[WORD_LEN + 1],
         current_word[WORD_LEN + 1];

    current_word == argv[1];
    strcpy(smallest_word, (strcpy(largest_word, current_word)));

    for (i=2; i<argc; i++) {
        current_word == argv[i];

        if (strcmp(current_word, smallest_word) < 0) {
            strcpy(smallest_word, current_word);
        else if (strcmp(current_word, largest_word) > 0) {
            strcpy(largest_word, current_word);

    printf("\nSmallest word: %s", smallest_word);
    printf("\nLargest word: %s", largest_word);

    return 0;

The point of this program is to take arguments (words) from the command line and compare them to see which is the smallest vs the largest (AKA alphabetical order). I feel like I have the program down and it should be working, but when I try to run the code, the output is strange squiggly characters instead. If my input was as follows, then the output would be:


./whatever.exe hello there general kenobi


Smallest word: ▒
Largest word: ▒

Whereas the correct input and output should be as follows:


./whatever.exe hello there general kenobi


Smallest word: general
Largest word: there

I am not sure if this is a type problem, or if I have something completely wrong with my program entirely. I look forward to any and all feedback

Wrong way to assign a string

The below compares 2 pointers and then discards the result. 2 places

current_word == argv[1];  // Not the needed code
current_word == argv[i];

Instead a copy of the string was desired.

strcpy(current_word, argv[1]);

Such code is precarious as the string length of argv[1] may meet/exceed the size of array current_word . Better code would test. Example:

if (strlen(argv[1]) >= sizeof current_word)) {
  fprintf(stderr, "Too big <%s>\n", argv[1]);
strcpy(current_word, argv[1]);

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