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How to use each_with_index in Ruby and to convert to numbered list?

I am wondering how do I convert an array to a numbered list using the each_with_index .

def roll_call_dwarves(dwarves)# code an argument here
  roll_call_dwarves = dwarves
  dwarves.each_with_index {|x, y|}
  puts dwarves

Not sure exactly what you want, but if you just want to render the list with numbers, you could try something like:

def roll_call_dwarves(dwarves)
  dwarves.map.with_index do |dwarf, i|
    "#{i + 1}. #{dwarf}"

dwarves = %w{Doc Dopey Bashful Grumpy}
puts roll_call_dwarves(dwarves)

This gives you:

1. Doc
2. Dopey
3. Bashful
4. Grumpy

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