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ASP.net core Web API post array as a property

I use an array to store tags of question, but when i POST data from Chrome i do not receive any data on TagId Array. Other Properties are OK and i receive them onlu TagId is null Here is my Code:


public partial class Question 

    public int Id { get; set; }


    [Display(Name = "Tags")]
    public int[] TagId
          Some Code Here

        Tag = "";
        foreach (var i in value)
          Tag = i + ",";

        Tag = Tag.Trim(',');

    public string Tag { get; set; }

Here is chrome post with dummy data Chrome post Data and i receive null in asp.net Post Data: Visual Studio Trace on Data receive

here is my controller post code:


public class QuestionsController : BaseRControllerWithFile<Question,QuestionAdminRepository>
  public override async Task<ActionResult<Question>> Post(Question entity)
    return await base.Post(entity);

Change the Question class to this :

public class Question
    private int[] tagId;

    private string tag;

    public int Id { get; set; }

    [Display(Name = "Tags")]
    public int[] TagId
        get => tagId;
            tagId = value;

            tag = "";
            if (value == null)
            foreach (var i in tagId)
                tag += i + ",";

            tag = tag.Trim(',');

    public string Tag => tag;

Or as @Paul said; you can use Join :

tag = value != null ? string.Join(',', tagId) : null;

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