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How to obtain input like these in python? with multiple line and conditions?

Input: Zantro@16.15 Zity@12.5 Gamry@9.8

Output conditions:

The name and mileage of certain cars are passed as input. The format is CARNAME@MILEAGE and the input is as a single line, with each car information separated by a space. The program must print the car with the lowest mileage.

You can use split function to seperate carnames and mileage and compare.

s = input().split(" ")
d = {}
l = []
for data in s:
    value, key = data.split("@")
    d[key] = value


Roughly speaking, here is the spoon I am feeding you with:

So you take the input split on every space character.

entries = the_input.split() # str.split with no arg splits on whitespace

Now you have a list of "Car@Number". Loop over that, split by "@" symbol.

 car_name, mileage = entry.split("@")
 mileage = float(mileage) # parse the string into a floating point number

Note: you want to loop entries and put each into List you create earlier, for instance: complete_entries , like so

complete_entries.append((car_name, mileage))

to fill the list with tuples of (car_name, mileage)

then you can do

print(sorted(complete_entries, key=lambda x: x[1])

To print a new sorted list where key is the lambda function that takes one parameter x and indexes the seconds element of x ( x[1] ) which corresponds to the mileage field of the tuple.

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