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How to join calendar table in order to get NULLs where there is no values in the main table?

Imagine I have a table for February with users and their COVID-19 quarantine isolation violations during a single day. If the user didn't violate isolation whole day there is no such row in the table for this date.

user date       violations
1    2020-02-01 2
1    2020-02-03 1
1    2020-02-15 2
3    2020-02-04 1
3    2020-02-24 3

What type of join should I use for my query in order to show every day in February for each user and violations column value (null or 0 if there is no such row):

user date       violations
1    2020-02-01 2
1    2020-02-02 NULL
1    2020-02-03 1
1    2020-02-04 NULL
1    2020-02-29 NULL
3    2020-02-01 NULL
3    2020-02-02 NULL
3    2020-02-03 NULL
3    2020-02-04 1
3    2020-02-29 NULL

I have a calendar table for February:


I tried a full outer join, but it works as I expected only for one user.

Use a cross join to generate the rows and then left join to bring in the existing data:

select c.date, u.user, v.violations
from calendar c cross join
     (select distinct user from violations) u left join
     violations v
     on c.date = v.date and u.user = v.user

If you have a separate table for users, then use that instead of the subquery for u . After all, perhaps there are users who had no violations in February.

If you have a separate table of users, then you need a cross join of calendar and users, and then left outer join to the violations table, as Gordon Linoff has already shown.

However, if you don't have a table of users, and you must just pick them from the violations table, then you should use the partition outer join which exists exactly for this purpose:

select v.user, c.date, v.violations
from   calendar c left outer join violations v
       PARTITION BY (v.user)                      -- this is what you must add
       on c.date = v.date
order  by user,date

The benefit is that you don't have to read the violations table twice.

Note that DATE and USER and keywords and shouldn't be used as column names; I followed your lead with this, but your lead is not good.

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