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I can't return the response from axios request

I'm trying to create a module in node to return a json from API using axios request. But when i try to return the response out of the function getJson() , nothing is returned to me.

const axios = require('axios');
const authentication = require('./authentication');

const url = `https://api.codenation.dev/v1/challenge/dev-ps/generate-data?token=${authentication.token}`;

const getJson = async () => {
  const response = await axios.get(url);
  // Here i can see the json normally
  return response.data

const response = getJson()
// but here nothing is shows to me in console.

return of console

getJson() is actually returning a promise instance. You will just need to await on that like:

(async () => {
  const response = await getJson()

this is because const response = getJson() is executing it's code before getJson runs because it's async and the response is not arriving at that instance when it's executed.

# This code runs and executes some point in future when response arrives
const getJson = async ()=>{
  const response = await axios.get(url);
  //Here i can see the json normally
  return response.data

# This code runs and executes immediately which doesn't have response yet
const response = getJson()

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